81 Free resilience AI images Create by Flux AI

Flux.1 AI Image Generator

a girl with a gun, city, war, car, true
Fuguki is, despite his profession as a shinobi, quite fat and unfit. He has spiky blonde hair and brown eyes. Like Choji Akimichi, he has been taunted and teased from a young age about his weight. He has always had a hard time performing taijutsu, and for this reason, he often uses ninjutsu as his main offense in combat. He often wears typical Iwagakure clothing, which consists of a red shirt with a brown body armor over the top, in an anime design full body.
Old man pushing a cart.
"The old man pushes the cart."
A poignant photograph of a family gathered in front of their rustic Ozark Mountains home, built with wooden logs and surrounded by a lush, green forest. The year is 1914, and the family, dressed in period clothing, exudes warmth and resilience. The father stands tall, wearing a long-sleeved shirt and a stern expression, while the mother, holding a baby, gazes tenderly at her family. Three children, a boy and two girls, playfully interact with each other, showing the bonds of sibling love and camaraderie. The scene is completed by a windmill and a small barn in the background, evoking a sense of simplicity and self-sufficiency.
A young woman is outside a restaurant, in a storm, lying on the ground, she is soaked, with Chinese characters.
A young woman is outside a restaurant, in a storm, lying on the ground, she is drenched, with Chinese characters or Japanese.
A young woman is outside a restaurant, caught in a storm, and you can see her shoes. She is drenched from the rain, and outside the restaurant, there is a sign from which the words can be clearly seen, including Chinese characters or Japanese.
Don't Listen
A stubborn fish.
A tree growing out of the side of a mountain.
Make a high-resolution image of Charlie Chaplin in semi-formal attire. Make it look like he is coding on a computer, ideally something related to resilience.
A pig standing and walking is carrying bricks and crying.
Background and Separation:
Generate a wide image, divided into two parts: left and right.

Left Part (Bright World):
Colors: Primarily green, yellow, and gold, creating a vibrant spring atmosphere.
Elements: A lush grassland, with clusters of flowers, colorful butterflies and bees fluttering about. In the distance are rolling hills and a light blue sky, with a few white clouds drifting lazily. Golden sunlight hangs in the top left corner, illuminating the earth.

Right Part (Dark World):
Colors: Mainly gray and white, creating a cold, dim winter atmosphere.
Elements: Depict a desolate, snow-covered wasteland, with snowflakes swirling in the air, and a cold wind howling, the ground covered in deep snow. A frail middle-aged Chinese man stands facing the bright world on the right side of the dark world; his clothing is thin, and he looks weary, forcefully pounding his fists against the boundary between the two worlds. However, there is an invisible barrier between the two worlds, preventing him from reaching the bright world. He gazes at the sunlight on the other side, revealing a yearning and despair for the light.

Details and Atmosphere:
Contrast of Light and Shadow: Enhance the contrast of light and shadow between the two worlds to make the image more vivid and powerful.
Atmosphere Creation: Through a comprehensive use of color, light and shadow, and elements, create a striking visual effect that makes the audience feel the dedication of humanity in pursuing beauty and the helplessness and sorrow faced in adversity.
Background and Separation:
The canvas size is 1028*720, divided into two parts, left and right.
Left Part (Bright World):
Colors: Primarily green, yellow, and gold, creating a vibrant spring atmosphere.
Elements: A lush prairie, surrounded by clusters of flowers, with colorful butterflies and bees fluttering about. In the distance are rolling hills and a light blue sky, with a few white clouds lazily drifting. Golden sunlight hangs in the upper left corner, illuminating the earth.

Right Part (Dark World):
Colors: Primarily gray and white, creating a cold, dim winter atmosphere.
Elements: A scene depicting a snow-covered wasteland, with snowflakes swirling in the air and a biting wind howling, the ground blanketed in thick snow. A frail middle-aged Chinese man stands in the dark world on the right, facing the bright world. His clothes are thin, his expression weary, as he strikes the boundary between the two worlds with his fists. However, there is an invisible barrier preventing him from reaching the bright world. He gazes longingly at the sunlight on the opposite side, revealing his yearning for light and feelings of despair.

Details and Atmosphere:
Light and Shadow Contrast: Enhance the contrast between the light and shadow of the two worlds, making the imagery more vivid and powerful.
Atmosphere Creation: Through the comprehensive use of color, light and shadow, and elements, create a stunning visual effect that allows the audience to feel the human pursuit of beauty and the helplessness and sorrow faced in the face of adversity.
Background and Division:  
A large transparent glass divides the scene into two parts.  
Left Side (Bright World):  
Colors: Dominated by green, yellow, and gold, creating a vibrant spring atmosphere.  
Elements: A lush prairie with clusters of flowers, colorful butterflies, and bees fluttering about. In the distance, rolling hills and a light blue sky are visible, with a few white clouds lazily drifting by. The golden sunlight hangs in the upper left corner, illuminating the land.  

Right Side (Dark World):  
Colors: Mainly gray and white, creating a cold, gloomy winter atmosphere.  
Elements: A depiction of an icy, snow-covered wasteland, with snowflakes dancing in the air and a thick layer of snow covering the ground. A frail middle-aged man stands in the dark world on the right side facing the bright world. His clothes are thin, and he has a weak physique, as he pounds against the glass in the middle with great effort. He gazes at the sunlight on the other side, revealing a longing and despair for the light.  
Details and Atmosphere:  
Light and Shadow Contrast: Enhance the contrast of light and shadow between the two worlds, making the scene more vivid and powerful.  
Atmosphere Creation: Through the comprehensive use of color, light and shadow, and elements, create a breathtaking visual effect, allowing the audience to feel the human pursuit of beauty, as well as the helplessness and melancholy in the face of adversity.
Daisy the deer, Squeaky the squirrel, and Sly the fox work tirelessly on the bridge despite the stormy weather, their faces set with determination as raindrops splash around them.
A lone, imposing figure with a strong jawline and determined expression, clad in worn, earth-toned fatigues, walks resolutely through the ravaged cityscape, their head held high amidst the chaos, their face illuminated by a faint, golden light filtering through the thick, gray smoke that billows around them, debris and rubble strewn about their feet, broken concrete and twisted metal wreckage littering the desolate streets, the once-vibrant buildings now reduced to hollow shells, their peeling facades a testament to the devastating conflict, the entire scene shrouded in a muted, desaturated color palette, with hints of ash and smoke that seem to suffocate the city, the atmosphere heavy with the weight of destruction and despair.
"Show Noah diligently building a large ark, with his people mocking him for building a ship on dry land."
A female fitness model holding a gun in each hand.
Image Prompt:  
Scene Setting:  
At the edge of day, as the sun dips below the horizon casting a warm but fading glow against a backdrop of frigid winter, a desolate landscape of ice and snow stretches out before us. The air is thick with a sense of impending twilight and the stillness of a world frozen in time.  
Transparent Enclosure:  
In the midst of this barren expanse, a transparent dome or bubble stands out, its boundaries shimmering slightly as if refracting the dim light. Inside this bubble, time seems to move at a different pace, capturing a single moment of intense struggle.  
Character Depiction:  
- Within the dome, a middle-aged figure, clad in layers of clothing that seem inadequate against the cold, is engaged in a relentless pursuit. Their face is etched with lines of exhaustion and despair, yet their eyes betray a fierce determination to break free.  
- Render their movements with a blend of realism and anime fluidity, emphasizing the strain of their efforts and the futility of their struggle. Their footsteps echo hollowly within the confines of the bubble, their breath visible in the frigid air.  
Effort vs. Restraint:  
- Show the protagonist running or striding forward with all their might, but with each step, they seem to be pulled back by invisible chains or forces. The bubble's walls seem to distort and stretch, as if resisting their escape.  
- Use light and shadow to highlight the contrast between the protagonist's inner drive and the external constraints that hold them back. The fading sunlight outside the bubble casts long shadows, emphasizing the protagonist's isolation and the seemingly infinite distance between them and freedom.  
Future Illusion:  
- Beyond the dome, depict a horizon that glows with a false promise of hope. Perhaps it's a city skyline shimmering in the distance, or a vast expanse of open sky that seems to hold endless possibilities. However, this vision of the future is juxtaposed against the protagonist's reality, reinforcing the idea that their path is blocked and their dreams unreachable.  
Style Fusion:  
- Blend the realism of the harsh winter landscape with the emotive depth and exaggerated movements of anime. Use crisp, detailed textures for the snow and ice, while imbuing the protagonist and their surroundings within the bubble with a dreamlike, slightly exaggerated quality.  
Color Palette:  
- Employ a palette that captures the muted tones of twilight and the stark whiteness of snow. Use cooler shades for the background and foreground elements, while reserving warmer tones for the protagonist's face and the glow of the setting sun, to create a sense of contrast and emotional depth.  
Emotional Resonance:  
- Focus on conveying the protagonist's sense of helplessness and despair, even as they continue to struggle against impossible odds. Show their face contorted in a mix of frustration and resignation, but also a glimmer of hope that refuses to die.  
- Use the image to tell a story of the human spirit's relentless pursuit of freedom, even in the face of overwhelming adversity.
Image Prompt:  
Scene Setting:  
At the edge of day, as the sun dips below the horizon casting a warm but fading glow against a backdrop of frigid winter, a desolate landscape of ice and snow stretches out before us. The air is thick with a sense of impending twilight and the stillness of a world frozen in time.  
Transparent Enclosure:  
In the midst of this barren expanse, a transparent dome or bubble stands out, its boundaries shimmering slightly as if refracting the dim light. Inside this bubble, time seems to move at a different pace, capturing a single moment of intense struggle.  
Character Depiction:  
- Within the dome, a middle-aged figure, clad in layers of clothing that seem inadequate against the cold, is engaged in a relentless pursuit. Their face is etched with lines of exhaustion and despair, yet their eyes betray a fierce determination to break free.  
- Render their movements with a blend of realism and anime fluidity, emphasizing the strain of their efforts and the futility of their struggle. Their footsteps echo hollowly within the confines of the bubble, their breath visible in the frigid air.  
Effort vs. Restraint:  
- Show the protagonist running or striding forward with all their might, but with each step, they seem to be pulled back by invisible chains or forces. The bubble's walls seem to distort and stretch, as if resisting their escape.  
- Use light and shadow to highlight the contrast between the protagonist's inner drive and the external constraints that hold them back. The fading sunlight outside the bubble casts long shadows, emphasizing the protagonist's isolation and the seemingly infinite distance between them and freedom.  
Future Illusion:  
- Beyond the dome, depict a horizon that glows with a false promise of hope. Perhaps it's a city skyline shimmering in the distance, or a vast expanse of open sky that seems to hold endless possibilities. However, this vision of the future is juxtaposed against the protagonist's reality, reinforcing the idea that their path is blocked and their dreams unreachable.  
Style Fusion:  
- Blend the realism of the harsh winter landscape with the emotive depth and exaggerated movements of anime. Use crisp, detailed textures for the snow and ice, while imbuing the protagonist and their surroundings within the bubble with a dreamlike, slightly exaggerated quality.  
Color Palette:  
- Employ a palette that captures the muted tones of twilight and the stark whiteness of snow. Use cooler shades for the background and foreground elements, while reserving warmer tones for the protagonist's face and the glow of the setting sun, to create a sense of contrast and emotional depth.  
Emotional Resonance:  
- Focus on conveying the protagonist's sense of helplessness and despair, even as they continue to struggle against impossible odds. Show their face contorted in a mix of frustration and resignation, but also a glimmer of hope that refuses to die.  
- Use the image to tell a story of the human spirit's relentless pursuit of freedom, even in the face of overwhelming adversity.
Image Prompt:  
Art Style: Create a vibrant anime-inspired scene with exaggerated colors and dynamic lines, emphasizing the emotional intensity of the scene. Use a semi-realistic yet stylized approach to capture the essence of the narrative.  
Character Design:  
- The protagonist is a middle-aged person, designed with distinctive anime features: sharp eyes filled with determination and a hint of despair, a stern jawline, and expressive eyebrows that convey their inner turmoil.  
- Their hair flows behind them in a wind-blown anime style, adding to the sense of movement and struggle. Their clothing is designed with anime flair, incorporating bold colors and streamlined designs that suggest speed and agility despite the bonds.  
Bonds & Constraints:  
- Depict the bonds as visually striking, energy-like chains or ethereal ropes that glow or shimmer with an otherworldly aura. These bonds wrap around the protagonist's legs and waist, subtly distorting their movements and conveying a sense of inescapable confinement.  
- Use shading and highlights to emphasize the tension and struggle within these bonds, making them appear almost alive and resistant to the protagonist's efforts.  
- Set the scene in a dreamlike or surreal anime landscape, perhaps with a vibrant sunset sky in the background, casting warm and inviting hues on the protagonist's figure. However, the foreground should contain subtle hints of decay or obstruction, such as cracked pavement or overgrown vegetation, suggesting the challenges ahead.  
- Include elements that contrast with the protagonist's struggles, like a glimmering horizon or a distant cityscape that appears inviting yet unreachable.  
Emotional Resonance:  
- Ensure the protagonist's expression and posture convey their exhaustion, frustration, and yet unwavering perseverance. Their gaze should be fixed on the horizon, filled with a mix of hope and resignation.  
- Use lighting and shadows to create a dramatic effect, highlighting the protagonist's silhouette against the backdrop and emphasizing their isolation within their struggle.  
Overall Theme:  
- The image should convey a sense of hopelessness intertwined with resilience, showcasing the protagonist's relentless pursuit despite overwhelming odds. Through the anime style, aim to evoke a strong emotional response in the viewer, inspiring empathy and reflection.
Image Prompt:  
Art Style: Create a vibrant anime-inspired scene with exaggerated colors and dynamic lines, emphasizing the emotional intensity of the scene. Use a semi-realistic yet stylized approach to capture the essence of the narrative.  
Character Design:  
- The protagonist is a middle-aged person, designed with distinctive anime features: sharp eyes filled with determination and a hint of despair, a stern jawline, and expressive eyebrows that convey their inner turmoil.  
- Their hair flows behind them in a wind-blown anime style, adding to the sense of movement and struggle. Their clothing is designed with anime flair, incorporating bold colors and streamlined designs that suggest speed and agility despite the bonds.  
Bonds & Constraints:  
- Depict the bonds as visually striking, energy-like chains or ethereal ropes that glow or shimmer with an otherworldly aura. These bonds wrap around the protagonist's legs and waist, subtly distorting their movements and conveying a sense of inescapable confinement.  
- Use shading and highlights to emphasize the tension and struggle within these bonds, making them appear almost alive and resistant to the protagonist's efforts.  
- Set the scene in a dreamlike or surreal anime landscape, perhaps with a vibrant sunset sky in the background, casting warm and inviting hues on the protagonist's figure. However, the foreground should contain subtle hints of decay or obstruction, such as cracked pavement or overgrown vegetation, suggesting the challenges ahead.  
- Include elements that contrast with the protagonist's struggles, like a glimmering horizon or a distant cityscape that appears inviting yet unreachable.  
Emotional Resonance:  
- Ensure the protagonist's expression and posture convey their exhaustion, frustration, and yet unwavering perseverance. Their gaze should be fixed on the horizon, filled with a mix of hope and resignation.  
- Use lighting and shadows to create a dramatic effect, highlighting the protagonist's silhouette against the backdrop and emphasizing their isolation within their struggle.  
Overall Theme:  
- The image should convey a sense of hopelessness intertwined with resilience, showcasing the protagonist's relentless pursuit despite overwhelming odds. Through the anime style, aim to evoke a strong emotional response in the viewer, inspiring empathy and reflection.

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