9 Free Phoenix AI images Create by Flux AI

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And once upon a time, there was Félix, the Phoenix. She had just hatched from a huge and transcendental egg, appearing to be about 30 meters long, and when she spread her wings, she reached 50 meters. Her skin had a color similar to the fire of a fireplace, but more intense; her tail seemed to be the most vibrant fire that any being could witness, approaching the divine. She was born in Norway, in a mountainous and icy region, from which emanated a mystical and unreal atmosphere.
And once again there was Félix, the Phoenix. She had just hatched from a huge and transcendental egg, appearing to be about 30 meters long, and when she spread her wings, she reached 50. Her skin had a color similar to the fire of a fireplace, but more intense; her tail appeared to be the most vivid fire that any being could witness, approaching the divine. She was born in Norway, in a mountainous and icy region, which exuded a mystical and unreal air.
And once again, there was Félix, the Phoenix. She had just hatched from a huge and transcendental egg, appearing to be about 30 meters long and, when she spread her wings, reaching up to 50. Her skin had a color similar to the flames of a fireplace, but more intense, and her tail seemed to be the liveliest fire that any being could witness, approaching the divine. She was born in Norway in a mountainous and icy region, which exuded a mystical and unreal air.
And once again there was Félix, the Phoenix. She had just hatched from a huge and transcendental egg, appearing to be about 30 meters long, and when she spread her wings, she reached 50; her skin had a color similar to that of a fireplace fire, only more intense, and her tail seemed to be the liveliest fire that any being could witness, approaching the divine. She was born in Norway in a mountainous and icy region, which exuded a mystical and unreal atmosphere.
And once upon a time, there was Félix, the Phoenix. She had just hatched from a huge and transcendental egg, appearing to be about 30 meters long, and when she spread her wings, she reached 50. Her skin had a color similar to the fire of a hearth, but more intense; her tail seemed to be the most vivid flame that any being could witness, approaching the divine. She was born in Norway in a mountainous and icy region, which exuded a mystical and unreal atmosphere.
And once upon a time, there was Félix, the Phoenix. She had just hatched from a huge and transcendent egg, appearing to be about 30 meters long, and when she spread her wings, she reached 50 meters. Her skin had a color similar to the flames of a fireplace, but more intense; her tail seemed to be the most vibrant fire that any being could witness, approaching the divine. She was born in Norway in a mountainous and icy region, which exuded a mystical and unreal air.
Eternally Learning

Once again, there was Félix, the Phoenix. She had just hatched from a huge, transcendental egg, appearing to be about 30 meters long, and when she spread her wings, she reached up to 50 meters. Her skin had a color resembling the fire of a fireplace, but more intense, and her tail looked like the liveliest fire any being could witness, nearing the divine. She was born in Norway in a mountainous and icy region that exuded a mystical and unreal air. 
- I am Félix, the Phoenix. I must not steal, I must not lie, I must do good without looking at whom, I cannot kill and... I forgot the rest, but it doesn't matter, - thought Félix after being born, remembering her past lives. 
She stood up for the first time in this life, strangely already knowing how to walk, and in a somewhat nostalgic act, with her enormous wings spread, she flew over the mountain. Pondering her thousands of years, she soon stopped thinking when she saw a volcano; feeling thirsty, she approached and drank from the lava. 
- How cold! – she exclaimed. 
Continuing her flight, she soon spotted a smaller mountain where she saw a fox. Out of curiosity, Félix approached, and seeing more closely, it was a fox with bright orange fur and some yellow, enormous eyes, wearing blue gloves and a blue bandana that obscured part of its face. 
- Hello and good morning, I am Mr. Fox, my dear, - said the fox upon seeing Félix. 
- Hi... I am Félix, the Phoenix, I think. 
- Clearly you are a Phoenix, my dear, by the way, the most beautiful I have ever seen... even though you are the only one. 
- Oh... Thank you... by the way, what are you doing around here, Mr. Fox? 
- What can I say, Félix? Well, I was helping a Phoenix similar to you, you know, in a cave here, but I couldn’t... - said Mr. Fox, in a somewhat suspicious manner. 
- Really!!?? Just like me??? But why??? - asked Félix curiously. 
- She was trapped, I don't know exactly, she was looking for someone who could help her, but I couldn't find anyone...😔 
- I can help you!!! Let's go, quickly!! - yelled Félix excitedly. 
- LET'S GO! 
After walking through a mysterious, grand, icy, and oddly scary forest, they found a cave as large as Félix in complete emptiness. As they entered the cave, Mr. Fox said: 
- I have to stay outside to open the passage that leads to the Phoenix; it may seem strange, but it's necessary. 
- Okay... - said Félix, suspiciously. 
As she entered, the cave closed, and even with her fire, the strange cave darkened. Laughter could be heard from outside the cave, Félix screamed for help while flying in complete despair, experiencing fear for the first time. 
- HAHAHAHAHAHA, I’m telling you, Dora, I’ve captured a Phoenix, tell Boots that besides a talking map, we now have a huge Phoenix!!!!!! - shouted and laughed Mr. Fox. 
In extreme fear and despair, the divine Phoenix cried out, and her flame extinguished in that darkness... however, in that situation, she remembered something, and in an instant, she screamed, and from her mouth came a fire as bright as the Sun, shining in a divine manner, and even that cave was unable to withstand such divine fire, causing its ceiling to disappear. That forest, which was dark even during the day, soon brightened with that divine fire. 
- NOOOOOOOOOO, DORA, DON’T TELL BOOTS ANYTHING, BYE!!!! - shouted Mr. Fox as he ran away. 
Without caring about Mr. Fox running away, Félix flew as fast as she could, as fast as light, and left. While flying, she thought and swore that from that moment on, for the rest of her life, even after others, she would... 
A few millennia later... 
Once again, there was Fenicia, the Phoenix. She had just hatched from a huge and transcendental egg, appearing to be about 30 meters long, and when she spread her wings, she reached up to 50 meters. Her skin had a color resembling fireplace fire, but it was more intense, and her tail appeared to be the liveliest fire any being could witness, nearing the divine. She was born in Egypt in a huge, hot, and humid temple, exuding a mystical and unreal air.
- I am Félix, the Phoenix. I must not steal, I must not lie, I must do good without looking at whom, I cannot kill, and I must not trust strangers or rather foxes... I forgot the rest, but it doesn't matter, - thought Fenicia after being born, remembering her past lives. 
The End
"make a Phoenix that seemed to be about 30 meters tall and when it spread its wings, it measured 50, its skin had a color similar to the fire of a fireplace, but more intense, its tail appeared to be the most vibrant fire that any being could witness, approaching the divine."
"make a Phoenix that appeared to be about 30 meters tall and when it spread its wings, it reached 50, its skin had a color similar to the fire of a fireplace, but more intense, its tail seemed to be the most vivid fire that any being could witness, approaching the divine. ultra-realistic version."

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