11 Free human experience AI images Create by Flux AI

Flux.1 AI Image Generator

Shirt worn by a human being that is wet
An energetic interpretation of man's stoic relationship to an often neutral and sometimes harsh universe by Homer Winslow, by Andrew Wyeth, narrative story by Karl Kopinski, 
[minimalism | abstract | surreal | dada | abstract expressionism]
[style of Andre Kohn | rococo | by Sam Toft | by Victor Pasmore] 
[by Helen Frankenthaler | by Jay DeFeo | by Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh | by Wadsworth Jarrell] 
Constructivism, by Sam Toth, surreal, by Andre Kohn, 
modern art,  

French New Wave, Russian avant-garde, by [Fischinger | Hoyland] 
simplistic, typography, logo (minimalist: 1.9), abstract, loud colors, contrasting colors, edges,  
in the style of Alberto Magnelli,  
in the style of Alexander Milne Calder,  
in the style of Brett Whiteley,  
in the style of Carl Kleiner,  
in the style of John Riley, 
in the style of Anton Semenov,  
in the style of Bess Hamiti,  
in the style of Brett Weston,  
in the style of Caras Ionut,  
in the style of Christine Ellger, 
[style by Rob Gonsalves | style by Dan McPharlin | style by Igor Morski | style by Andrzej Grenda | style by Agostino Arrivabene] 
[style by Fischinger | style by Hoyland | style by Lissitzky]
'human fish, pathos, by Bill Viola'
human fish, pathos, by Bill Viola
"The most beautiful story in the world."
Man and woman jumping off a tall city bridge, highly detailed, oil on canvas.
A woman in a space station
Background and Separation:
The canvas size is 1028*720, divided into two parts, left and right.
Left Part (Bright World):
Colors: Primarily green, yellow, and gold, creating a vibrant spring atmosphere.
Elements: A lush prairie, surrounded by clusters of flowers, with colorful butterflies and bees fluttering about. In the distance are rolling hills and a light blue sky, with a few white clouds lazily drifting. Golden sunlight hangs in the upper left corner, illuminating the earth.

Right Part (Dark World):
Colors: Primarily gray and white, creating a cold, dim winter atmosphere.
Elements: A scene depicting a snow-covered wasteland, with snowflakes swirling in the air and a biting wind howling, the ground blanketed in thick snow. A frail middle-aged Chinese man stands in the dark world on the right, facing the bright world. His clothes are thin, his expression weary, as he strikes the boundary between the two worlds with his fists. However, there is an invisible barrier preventing him from reaching the bright world. He gazes longingly at the sunlight on the opposite side, revealing his yearning for light and feelings of despair.

Details and Atmosphere:
Light and Shadow Contrast: Enhance the contrast between the light and shadow of the two worlds, making the imagery more vivid and powerful.
Atmosphere Creation: Through the comprehensive use of color, light and shadow, and elements, create a stunning visual effect that allows the audience to feel the human pursuit of beauty and the helplessness and sorrow faced in the face of adversity.
Background and Division:
The canvas size is 1028*720, divided into two parts, left and right.  
Left Part (Bright World):  
Color: Dominated by green, yellow, and gold, creating a vibrant spring atmosphere.  
Elements: A lush grassland, with clusters of flowers, and colorful butterflies and bees dancing around. In the distance, gentle hills and a light blue sky, with a few white clouds drifting leisurely. Golden sunlight hangs in the upper left corner, shining down on the earth.  

Right Part (Dark World):  
Color: Mainly gray and white, creating a cold, dim winter atmosphere.  
Elements: A depiction of a snow-covered wasteland, with snowflakes floating in the air, a howling cold wind, and the ground covered in thick snow. A frail middle-aged Chinese man stands in the dark world on the right, facing the bright world. His clothes are thin, his expression weary, as he pounds his fists against the boundary between the two worlds. However, there is an invisible barrier between the two worlds that prevents him from reaching the bright world. He gazes longingly at the sunlight across from him, revealing a yearning for brightness and a sense of despair.  
Details and Atmosphere:  
Light and Shadow Contrast: Enhance the contrast of light and shadow between the two worlds to make the image more striking and powerful.  
Atmosphere Creation: Through the comprehensive use of color, light and shadow, and elements, create a breathtaking visual effect that allows the audience to feel the human persistence in the pursuit of beauty and the helplessness and sorrow faced during adversity.
Background and Separation:
A huge transparent glass divides the scene into two parts, with the upper part occupying two-thirds and the lower part one-third.

Upper Part (The World of Light):
Colors: Dominated by green, yellow, and gold, creating a vibrant spring atmosphere.
Elements: Lush meadows filled with clusters of flowers, colorful butterflies and buzzing bees. In the distance, rolling hills and a light blue sky, with a few white clouds leisurely floating by. Golden sunlight bathes the earth.

Lower Part (The World of Darkness):
Colors: Primarily gray and white, evoking a cold, dreary winter atmosphere.
Elements: A depiction of a snow-covered wasteland, with snowflakes dancing in the air and thick snow blanketing the ground. A frail middle-aged man stands in the snow facing the transparent glass. His clothing is thin, his figure slight, and he pounds on the glass with his arms. He gazes at the sunlight on the other side, revealing his yearning for light and his despair.

Details and Atmosphere:
Contrast of Light and Shadow: Enhancing the contrast between the two worlds to make the scene more vivid and powerful.
Atmosphere Creation: Through the combined use of color, light, shadow, and elements, creating a stunning visual effect that allows the audience to feel the human pursuit of beauty and the helplessness and melancholy faced in adversity.
A breathtaking scene divided by a colossal transparent glass pane, separating the world into dual realms of light and darkness. Above, a vibrant springtime panorama unfolds, where birds sing, flowers bloom, lush grass stretches as far as the eye can see, and the sun pierces through clouds, bathing everything in endless warmth and hope. Below, a stark contrast of frozen wasteland looms, dimly lit by the absence of light, snowflakes swirling amidst the bleakness. A gaunt middle-aged man, dressed in threadbare clothing, appears gaunt and weary, his face etched with exhaustion yet eyes that bore a profound longing. He helplessly pounds on the seemingly tangible yet impenetrable glass barrier, his gaze locked on the radiant sun above, revealing an unyielding yearning for light amidst the despair of impotence. The entire composition is majestic in scale, with striking color contrasts, profoundly capturing humanity's relentless pursuit of beauty amidst the bittersweet reality of futility and sorrow.

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