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Qing Dynasty veteran
Qing Dynasty veteran
Chapter 1: The First Feng Shui Master of the Qing Dynasty

Feng Shui can also kill, killing in an invisible manner, leading to the severance of offspring and dying prematurely.

Feng Shui can also nurture people, allowing them to rise to great heights and become wealthy, with prosperity in both finances and family.

Feng Shui can even nurture corpses, where the dead are buried in blessed lands and may ascend to immortality, achieving a position among the immortals.

You may not believe in fate, nor in Feng Shui.

But for thousands of years, in Chinese civilization, emperors and nobles have been obsessed with the art of geomancy.

If you are very diligent, unafraid of hard work, and yet still have no money in your pocket.

If you are handsome and come from a very wealthy background, yet reach the age of thirty with nothing to show for it.

If everything seems to go wrong for you, living in confusion day in and day out, having poor financial luck and terrible circumstances,

If you find yourself in such situations, it may not be that your fate is bad, but rather that your family’s Feng Shui is problematic.

Li Chengfeng’s grandmaster, Li Jinshan, was once the top Feng Shui master in the Imperial Astronomical Bureau during the Qing dynasty.

His grandfather, Li Tiancheng, was also a well-known Feng Shui master, well-versed in Yin and Yang Feng Shui, the oddities of metaphysics, and folk magical arts.

Li Chengfeng grew up under his grandfather's influence, developing a great interest in odd and mystical arts from a young age.

Though he is only 22 years old this year, he possesses high attainments in geomancy and folk magical arts, having deeply inherited his grandfather's true teachings.

His grandfather opened a clinic named “Sui Yuan Tang” in the seaside city of Qingzhou, where he helped people interpret dreams, name children, read fortunes, treat strange illnesses, and facilitate marriages.

Due to his reputation, many people sought him out for yin and yang matters.

Some sought marital harmony, some inquired about their future, others consulted for Feng Shui, some wanted to ward off disasters, and others sought treatment for difficult ailments.

As his grandfather grew older and became disabled, he closed Sui Yuan Tang two years ago and stopped helping others with yin and yang matters or inquiries about careers.

He bought a small farm in a seaside fishing village and began living a secluded, pastoral life.

After graduating from college, Li Chengfeng faced obstacles seeking employment, and his girlfriend of two years drove off in a wealthy second-generation heir's luxury car, which was a huge blow to him.

One evening, after failing a job interview, Li Chengfeng bought three bottles of Erguotou, two pounds of pig head meat, and some cooked dishes, returning to his grandfather's place.

After downing two cups of strong liquor, he expressed his thoughts to his grandfather.

“Grandpa, I want to reopen Sui Yuan Tang.”

“No way!”

His grandfather immediately rejected him without thinking, not wanting his grandson to pursue this path; he looked at his grandson with a complex gaze using his only remaining eye.

“Xiao Feng, just look at your grandfather’s condition now. If you don’t want to end up like this, stop bringing up the idea of reopening Sui Yuan Tang.”

Seeing his grandfather’s crippled body, Li Chengfeng took a deep breath.

His grandfather is a disabled person. He only has one eye and is missing a leg.

In his grandfather's words, it was the consequence of revealing too many heavenly secrets and altering people's fates, resulting in divine retribution.

Li Chengfeng watched his grandfather change from a healthy man into a disabled one as he grew up, fully aware of the divine punishments his grandfather faced.

His grandfather raised his cup and drained it in one gulp, then sighed and opened up, affectionately calling Li Chengfeng by his childhood name.

“Xiao Feng, your grandfather doesn’t want you to take this path for your own good.”

“Those of us in this line of work who reveal heavenly secrets won’t have good endings.”

“I don’t want to see you get into trouble.”

“I hope you lead an ordinary life, marry a wife, have children, and live well.”

As his grandfather spoke, he began to recount the story of Grandmaster Li Jinshan.

Li Chengfeng immediately became interested, pouring his grandfather a cup of wine and listening quietly as his grandfather told stories about the grandmaster.

His grandfather took a sip from his cup, lost in distant memories, recounting events from many years ago.

The story goes back to the late Qing Dynasty.

During the late Qing Dynasty, Li Jinshan, then the head of the Imperial Astronomical Bureau, observed the stars at night and discovered that the Ziwei Emperor Star was falling in the west, signaling the end of the dynasty’s lifespan; the Qing Dynasty was fated to be unable to avert disaster.

Foreseeing the imminent overthrow of the Qing empire, Li Jinshan changed into a Daoist robe and fled from the capital early, leading a life of wandering.

Before long, he ran out of money and set up a stall on the street, helping people read fortunes and offer Feng Shui consultations, writing letters for a living.

In a time of war and chaos, when the people were struggling to survive, there was little spare cash for fortune-telling or Feng Shui advice.

Li Jinshan’s days on the run were filled with hardships; he would sometimes miss a meal, fearing others would discover his identity as a Qing official and being forced to hide.

After wandering for an unknown period, he arrived in the area of Qinzhou, his Daoist robe in tatters, looking like a beggar, having gone days without food.

To eat a full meal, the master, regardless of his status, squatted by the street and wrote several characters in the dirt, offering dream interpretations, fortune-telling, and Feng Shui consultations.

After two days and nights of squatting on the street, he had yet to see a single customer and finally fainted from hunger in the street.

The once-great Feng Shui master of the Qing Dynasty had fallen to such depths, which was deeply lamentable.

Just when it seemed he might starve to death on the streets, perhaps he was fated to survive; he was rescued by a famous local wealthy merchant, Chen Tinghai.

When Li Jinshan awoke, he found himself on a soft bed with two beautiful maids beside him and a table filled with chicken, duck, fish, and meat.

Having been starved for so long, Li Jinshan feasted heartily before meeting his savior, Chen Tinghai.

The two hit it off immediately, and Li Jinshan stayed at Chen’s house, where Chen Tinghai treated him with fine food and drink every day.

In the blink of an eye, six months had passed, and Li Jinshan felt increasingly guilty about not contributing anything while enjoying his free meals.

He still wondered why Chen Tinghai was treating him with such hospitality for so long.

He thought he had found a rare good-hearted benefactor.

One day, after a few rounds of drinks, Chen Tinghai opened up about his own troubles.

“Brother, although I, Chen Tinghai, possess great wealth and have passed the age of forty without having a single son or daughter.”

“Why is that?”

“Why is this, why does heaven treat me this way?”

Li Jinshan was somewhat surprised; he had met Chen Tinghai’s gaze before and could tell his fate lacked wealth. It was a hard-mixed fate with much labor, yet when he scanned his progeny line, he observed he should have had two sons and one daughter.

Originally fated to lack wealth, he now had untold riches, and while he should have had two sons and one daughter, he had none; it seemed his destiny had been altered.

After having been provided free meals and feeling guilty for half a year, he felt pity and wanted to investigate the reason for Chen Tinghai's predicament.

“Brother Chen, from your face, it seems you should be blessed with many descendants; why do you have none?”

“Your destiny seems to have a problem?”

“Brother, you can read faces!”

Chen Tinghai pretended to be surprised, and Li Jinshan smiled and nodded.

“Just a little understanding!”

The following day, Li Jinshan began examining Chen Tinghai’s Feng Shui. The Feng Shui of his home was fine, so it was likely that the Feng Shui of his ancestral tomb was in trouble.

Chen Tinghai took Li Jinshan to the family’s ancestral grave.

Upon seeing the Feng Shui there, Li Jinshan couldn't help feeling shocked.

“This is a Feng Shui arrangement for wealth beneath the pillow?”

“You have a good eye, brother; the Feng Shui of my ancestral grave indeed embodies the wealth-beneath-the-pillow configuration.”

Seeing the Feng Shui setup, Li Jinshan slightly furrowed his brows, finally understanding the reason Chen Tinghai had no children.

Chen Tinghai was originally destined for a laborious fate filled with challenges, and people like him would toil all their lives without accumulating wealth. Yet he possessed immense riches.

The reason lay with the Feng Shui configuration that hid wealth beneath the pillow; it altered his fate.

While the wealth-under-the-pillow was a superb gathering wealth Feng Shui setup, not everyone could be buried in such a auspicious location. To be buried there, one must have abundant ancestral virtue and blessings; otherwise, it could harm future generations and lead to a severance of descendants.

Looking at the hill that resembled a pillow and the two graves on it, Li Jinshan sighed.

“Brother Chen, there’s something I don't know if I should say.”

“Speak freely, brother.”

Li Jinshan took a few steps forward, saying seriously.

“In the study of Feng Shui, there is a saying that those buried in a wealth-beneath-the-pillow arrangement may lead to a severance of descendants. The requirements for the deceased’s virtue and blessings are extremely high.”

“To be buried in such a Feng Shui site, the ancestors must possess plenty of virtue and blessings; otherwise, it can lead to a break in descendants.”

Upon hearing this, Chen Tinghai feigned panic; if he were to sever his lineage, what use would the wealth be?

“Well, what should I do?”

“Brother, is there a Feng Shui site that doesn’t require virtue and blessings?”

Li Jinshan casually replied.

“There is, but …”

Before Li Jinshan finished speaking, Chen Tinghai's face brightened, and he eagerly pleaded.

“Brother, you must help me; otherwise, I, Chen Tinghai, will sever my lineage, and who will inherit my vast fortune?”

“Please, brother, you must help me!”

“This …”

Li Jinshan frowned deeply; because of the Feng Shui, Chen Tinghai’s fate had already turned into a severing lineage, and if he forcibly helped him alter his fate, he would certainly face divine retribution.

He said with an expression of difficulty.

“Brother Chen, your fate has been set, and I’m powerless to help.”

“If you wish to change your current fate, perform more good deeds and accumulate blessings; perhaps it could bring change.”

Suddenly, Chen Tinghai knelt down, pleading desperately.

“Brother, I know you must have a way to change my fate.”

“Please, help me.”

“Brother Chen, it’s not that I don’t want to help you; if I assist you in altering your fate against divine will, I would surely face punishment.”

“Severe punishment would be thunderstruck and die a bad death; at worst, I would go blind and lame, living in continual disaster.”

Li Jinshan expressed his worries, firmly rejecting Chen Tinghai, yet he knelt there, earnestly begging.

“Brother, for saving my life, for taking care of you these past six months, please help me!”

“Brother, you can rest assured; if I face divine punishment, I, Chen Tinghai, will mourn for you and care for you in your old age.”

Li Jinshan sighed; he was a person who values gratitude, and if it weren't for Chen Tinghai, he might have starved on the streets long ago.

Seeing Chen Tinghai begging earnestly, he ultimately softened.

“Alright, I’ll help you alter your fate.”

Li Jinshan picked an auspicious day and prepared to relocate Chen Tinghai’s parents’ graves.

While on the run, Li Jinshan had accidentally discovered an excellent Feng Shui site known as the Lotus Seed Nest; it would be perfect for burying Chen Tinghai’s parents.

When Chen Tinghai saw the Feng Shui arrangement of the Lotus Seed Nest, he was incredibly shocked; seven hills were embraced by surrounding mountains, resembling a lotus pod with the seven peaks like lotus seeds.

Next to those seven peaks was a towering summit, the main peak of the Lotus Seed Nest, much like an adult watching over seven children.

It was truly the work of nature, an architectural marvel.

“Brother, if I relocate my parents’ graves here, will it ensure my lineage continues?”

“Hmm, the Lotus Seed Nest is an excellent conduit for childbirth Feng Shui; you see, seven hills embraced by mountains, just like seven lotus seeds in a pod, predicting a birth of seven children.”

Following Li Jinshan’s request, Chen Tinghai had his parents' remains buried on the highest peak of that mountain range and built seven empty graves at the foot of the seven hills.

After completing these tasks, the earth suddenly trembled; though the sky was clear, thunder roared ominously.

Li Jinshan’s face immediately changed in shock, and Chen Tinghai panicked.

“Brother, what’s happening?”

Li Jinshan said nothing; he suddenly felt his vision becoming increasingly blurry, and eventually fell into darkness, becoming blind.

He had foreseen the divine punishment would come, yet did not expect it so quickly.

Once Chen Tinghai relocated his parents' graves to the Lotus Seed Nest, within a year, his concubines and even his wife of over fifty gave birth to seven sons.

This fulfilled Li Jinshan’s prophecy of “one after the other, seven births.”

Ecstatic over the birth of seven sons, Chen Tinghai treated Li Jinshan extraordinarily well the first two years, giving him the best room and serving him lavish meals.

However, as time passed, he began to feel that housing a useless blind man was a bad omen and forgot the good words he had once spoken.

He moved Li Jinshan from his best room to the storeroom and replaced the rich meals with leftovers.

Li Jinshan was furious and confronted Chen Tinghai, only to discover something he could not accept.

Chen Tinghai proudly proclaimed.

“Two years ago, I saved you because I saw the token on you, the Imperial Astronomical Order.”

“I deduced you were a Feng Shui master who escaped from the palace, which is why I brought you home and treated you so well, to curry your favor and have you find a Feng Shui treasure for me.”

“To ensure the continuation of the Chen family’s lineage.”

“Now that I have seven sons, you are of no further use; why should I continue to provide for you?”

“Haha ….”

At that moment, Li Jinshan understood that from the beginning, Chen Tinghai had been scheming against him; upon learning the truth, he was filled with rage.

“Chen Tinghai, you ungrateful scoundrel, I’ll fight you!”

In his desire to confront Chen Tinghai, Li Jinshan was kicked down and then locked in the stable, forced to eat and sleep alongside the horses.

This confinement lasted for over a decade until his grandfather, Li Tiancheng, appeared, and only then did Li Jinshan’s fate begin to change.

At that time, his grandfather was only in his teens, working briefly for Chen Tinghai, primarily tasked with caring for horses, which led to his acquaintance with Li Jinshan, who resided in the stable.

As time passed, the two became close friends, and Li Jinshan shared his experiences with his grandfather.

Feeling sympathy for Li Jinshan’s ordeal, his grandfather often brought some good food to him.

Their bond deepened, and Li Jinshan accepted his grandfather as a disciple, naming him Li Tiancheng, and passed on all his skills to him.

Li Jinshan also learned from his grandfather that Chen Tinghai was not a good person; he oppressed those weaker than himself, disrespecting life and committing heinous acts, becoming notorious as a local bully.

This made him regret even more helping an evil person find a Feng Shui treasure; no wonder he encountered divine punishment so quickly.

Over twenty years had passed; Chen Tinghai’s seven sons had either become officers in the national army or married into rich families, greatly increasing the Chen family's power.

Chen Tinghai had become increasingly arrogant, resembling a local monarch in Qinzhou.

His grandfather cared for Chen’s horses for several years without a cent in reward; when he went to demand payment, he was beaten, feeling very aggrieved, and shared this story with Li Jinshan.

As he spoke, he revealed how oppressive Chen Tinghai had been towards the people, disregarding life.

After listening, Li Jinshan was furious and said solemnly.

“Cheng Er, I want you to do something; do you dare?”

“Master, as long as it’s not a matter of violating heavenly principles, there’s nothing I wouldn’t dare to do.”

“Good, I want you to break the Feng Shui arrangement of Chen Tinghai’s ancestral mound, the Lotus Seed Nest.”


Fearless and resolute, his grandfather agreed readily—both for avenging his master and for liberating the people of Qinzhou city from this scourge.

Seeing his grandfather’s agreement, Li Jinshan felt encouraged and shared the method to destroy the Lotus Seed Nest.

“Cheng Er, listen carefully, you mustn’t be careless.”

“To destroy the Lotus Seed Nest, you must lie in wait behind Chen Tinghai’s parents’ grave on a full moon night just before sunset.”

“Wait for the moon to rise, and you’ll see a lotus bloom atop the grave, then seven tiny children will jump out of the lotus, surrounding the grave calling for grandparents.”

“Then you’ll see an old couple emerging from the grave to play with those seven children.”

“At that point, don’t be afraid; seize the opportunity to run up to the top of the grave and promptly pull the lotus up by its roots.”

“Then turn around and run; remember, never look back.”

After hearing this, his grandfather, feeling puzzled yet curious, asked.

“Master, what happens if I look back?”

“You’ll be scared to death.”

Though his grandfather had learned some secret techniques in odd and mystical arts over the years, he had never had any practical experience; still, listening to his master’s mysterious words left him somewhat skeptical.

Though Li Jinshan was blind, he knew what his grandfather was thinking and said with a laugh.

“Cheng Er, tonight is the full moon; you’ll find out if what your master said is true when you get there.”


His grandfather positioned himself according to Li Jinshan’s instructions and lay in wait behind Chen Tinghai’s parents’ grave early on the full moon night.

One must say, his grandfather was indeed bold, for he lay down behind the grave and fell asleep.

Unbeknownst to him, a gust of eerie wind swept through, waking him.

Looking up at the sky, he discovered the bright moon already rose, yet he saw no lotus blooming atop the grave, let alone the seven children jumping out.

Thinking his master was just boasting, he began to consider returning to confront him.

However, at that moment, a miraculous scene unfolded.

The moonlight illuminated the grave, casting flickering shadows.

A golden lotus slowly emerged atop the grave, and seven thumb-sized children appeared on the lotus.

Then they jumped off the lotus, and upon landing, grew to the size of normal children.

The seven little ones encircled the grave, continuously calling for their grandparents.

“Grandpa, Grandma, come out to play with us!”

“Ha ha!”

“Just wait a moment; Grandpa and Grandma will be out shortly.”

Even with his grandfather’s courage, he shivered at the sight of an old man’s voice rising from below the grave.

Immediately following, he saw an old man and an old woman, dressed in exquisite clothing, emerging from the grave.

His grandfather was secretly astonished; the scene before him perfectly matched Li Jinshan’s description.

Not daring to act carelessly, while the seven children played with the two elders, he quietly crawled to the top of the grave and seized the base of the lotus, pulling it out with all his might.

Then, he turned and ran; at the same time, gusts of eerie wind blew from behind, accompanied by the wails of seven children and the roars of the two elders.

“Return my Feng Shui roots…”

“You’ve ruined my Chen family’s Feng Shui; I’ll have you pay with your life…”

Frightened, his grandfather sprinted away. Perhaps out of curiosity, he glanced back while running, only to see the two elders and seven children with fierce expressions floating in the air, chasing him.

Terror-stricken, his grandfather ran with all his might, his face turning pale; he fled relentlessly until he completely exited the range of the Lotus Seed Nest, at which point the sounds finally faded.

He bolted to the stable in one breath, recounting everything that had happened to Li Jinshan.

Upon learning that his grandfather had looked back, Li Jinshan was somewhat surprised.

“You lad, you certainly have a lot of courage.”

Once he learned his grandfather had broken the Lotus Seed Nest, Li Jinshan burst into hearty laughter, causing several mares to leap about in alarm.

With his wish fulfilled, that very night, his grandfather carried Li Jinshan away from the Chen family.

With the Feng Shui Lotus Seed Nest broken, the Chen family would fall into calamity within half a month.
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