120 Free symbolism AI images Create by Flux AI

Flux.1 AI Image Generator

"I dreamt of a snake coiling around my arm."
"I dreamed of a snake coiling around my arm."
A glowing white bird, with a black background, stands on a branch.
A glowing white bird, set against a black background.
Background and Separation:  
A huge transparent glass panel divides the scene into two parts, with the upper part occupying two-thirds and the lower part one-third.  

Upper Part (The World of Light):  
Colors: Dominated by green, yellow, and gold, creating a vibrant spring atmosphere.  
Elements: Dense trees are painted, surrounded by clusters of flowers, with colorful butterflies and bees fluttering about. The ground is covered with soft green grass, and in the distance, there are rolling hills and a pale blue sky, with a few white clouds leisurely drifting. Sunlight spills through gaps in the clouds, forming beams and patches of light that add warmth and a feeling of hope.  

Lower Part (The World of Darkness):  
Colors: Dominated by blue, gray, and white, creating a cold and dim atmosphere.  
Elements: An icy wasteland is depicted, with snowflakes dancing in the air and the ground blanketed in thick snow. A middle-aged man stands with his back turned in the snowy field, his figure appearing lonely and small. His clothing is thin, and his frame is frail; his arms weakly pound against the glass. He gazes up at the sunlight above, revealing a longing and despair for the light.  

Details and Atmosphere:  
Light and Shadow Contrast: Enhance the contrast of light and shadow between the two worlds to make the scene more striking and powerful.  
Atmosphere Creation: Through the combined use of colors, light and shadow, and elements, create a stunning visual effect that allows the audience to feel the human pursuit of beauty as well as the helplessness and sadness faced in times of adversity.
Background and Separation:  
A large transparent glass divides the scene into two parts: the upper part occupies two-thirds of the height, while the lower part occupies one-third.  
Lighting Effects: Different light sources are set on both sides of the glass; the upper section is illuminated by bright sunshine, while the lower section relies on faint natural light or reflects light completely. The contrast of light and shadow emphasizes the stark differences between the two worlds.  
Upper Section (The World of Light):  
Colors: Predominantly green, yellow, and gold, creating a vibrant spring atmosphere.  
Elements: Lush trees are depicted, surrounded by clusters of flowers, with colorful butterflies and bees flitting about. The ground is covered in soft green grass, and in the distance are rolling hills under a pale blue sky, with a few white clouds drifting leisurely. Sunlight streams through gaps in the clouds, forming beams and patches of light, adding a sense of warmth and hope.  

Lower Section (The World of Darkness):  
Colors: Primarily blue, gray, and white, evoking a cold and dim atmosphere.  
Elements: A frozen wasteland is depicted, with snowflakes dancing in the air and the ground blanketed in thick snow. A middle-aged man stands with his back to us in the snow, his figure appearing lonely and insignificant. He is dressed in thin clothing, looking frail, and his arms weakly beat against the glass. He gazes up at the sunlight, revealing a longing for light and a sense of despair.  
Details and Atmosphere:  
Light and Shadow Contrast: Enhancing the contrast between the two worlds to make the image more vivid and powerful.  
Atmosphere Creation: Through the combined use of colors, light, shadow, and elements, a striking visual effect is created, allowing the audience to feel the persistence of humanity’s quest for beauty and the helplessness and sorrow faced in times of struggle.
**Theme and Atmosphere**:  
"A man dressed in thin clothing, with a haggard face, stands within a huge transparent barrier. He strikes the barrier forcefully, but to no avail. Snow covers both inside and outside, creating a lonely and profound world. The barrier symbolizes the invisible restraints of life."  

**Background Setting**:  
- "The background features snowflakes swirling in the air and the hazy outlines of a forest, with the sun setting in the west, casting a blood-red glow."  
- "In the distance, the outlines of the forest are vaguely visible amidst a blurred snowy landscape, adding depth to the scene."  

**Barrier and Snow Scene**:  
- "The barrier appears transparent, filled with pure white snowflakes, rich in detail and layered, echoing the external snowflakes."  
- "The edges of the barrier can be slightly blurred to enhance the transparency of the glass and the depth of space."  

**Character Description**:  
- "The man is dressed lightly, his face haggard and his expression weary. His eyes are deep-set as he strikes the barrier, gazing into the distant, hazy sun. The struggle and resistance of the man should be conveyed, highlighting the sense of powerlessness that comes with it."  

**Emotion and Meaning**:  
- "The entire scene aims to convey a sense of helplessness and solitude."  

**Details and Decorations**:  
- "Pay attention to the treatment of light and shadow, using the light reflected by the snowflakes to enhance the brightness and layering of the scene."  
- "Without affecting the overall atmosphere, small decorative elements can be added, such as falling snowflakes and plants swaying in the cold wind."  

**Style and Technique**:  
- "Surrealistic style."
"Picasso: 'Saint George's Fight with the Dragon'"
bob ross eating the word "devil"
Asian woman holding hands out in an empty room with a white background, 4 fingers and 1 thumb.
An ancient Arab man split the sea into two parts.
Ukraine logo combined with autism logo
a black man with a noose
Soviet propaganda poster depicting a donkey
View from above, a man walking on a train which is moving towards the sky. A present box dropped from her hand, anime.
Ophelia drowning in the river of borscht, oil painting on canvas, 1900s
**Theme and Atmosphere**:  
“Helplessness: A man wearing thin clothing and appearing haggard stands within a giant transparent glass bottle, surrounded by snow both inside and out, creating a solitary and profound world.”  
**Background Setting**:  
- “The background features swirling snowflakes and the vague outline of a forest, dominated by pale blue and gray tones, evoking a cold and desolate atmosphere.”  
- “In the distance, the blurred silhouette of a snowy forest is faintly discernible, adding depth to the scene.”  
**Glass Bottle and Snow Scene**:  
- “The glass bottle is represented with a transparent quality, filled with pristine white snowflakes, rich in detail and distinct in layers, resonating with the external snowflakes.”  
- “The edges of the bottle can be appropriately blurred to enhance the sense of transparency and spatial depth.”  
**Character Depiction**:  
- “The man is dressed in thin clothing, showing a haggard face and deep-set eyes, pounding on the glass bottle while gazing at the distant hazy sun. His struggle and resistance should be reflected, yet conveying an overwhelming sense of helplessness.”  
**Emotions and Meaning**:  
- “The entire composition aims to convey a beauty of helplessness and loneliness, allowing the viewer to feel the harmony between the man's inner world and the external environment.”  
- “Through the metaphor of the glass bottle, one can explore the barriers and connections between the individual and the outside world, as well as the insignificance of a person in the face of life.”  
**Details and Decorations**:  
- “Pay attention to the handling of light and shadow effects, utilizing the light reflected by the snowflakes to enhance brightness and depth in the composition.”  
- “Without compromising the overall atmosphere, small decorative elements can be added, such as falling snowflakes and vegetation in the cold wind.”  
**Style and Techniques**:  
- “Please use delicate and emotionally expressive brushstrokes for the creation, focusing on the harmonious combination of color and light.”  
- “In terms of composition, be mindful of the balance and contrast, ensuring the scene is both stable and dynamic.”
Background Setting:
Time and Atmosphere: The scene is frozen at the moment of twilight, where the last remnants of sunset linger on the horizon, contrasting sharply with the cold snow-covered ground. The entire setting is shrouded in a soft bluish-purple hue, creating an ambiance that is both warm and lonely, filled with both hope and despair.
Spatial Layout: The snow stretches endlessly, with distant snow-capped mountains appearing faintly, enhancing the depth and layers of the image. In the center of the snowy ground stands a solitary circular or oval transparent dome, resembling an anomaly in nature.
Character Depiction:
Appearance and Posture: The middle-aged man has a slightly stooped figure, dressed in ragged clothing, with his face etched with the marks of time and the weight of life. He is seen running with all his might in circles within the transparent dome, his limbs flailing energetically, yet his feet seem to be rooted in place, unable to take a step forward, creating an absurd yet real visual effect.
Expression and Emotion: His face is a tapestry of complex emotions—longing for freedom, helplessness regarding his current situation, confusion about the future, and doubt in his own efforts. His eyes reveal a profound weariness and despair, yet they also glimmer with a hint of defiance.
Meaning and Symbolism:
Transparent Dome: It symbolizes the invisible cage that confines the protagonist, constructed by life, society, or self-perception. This cage appears transparent but is, in fact, incredibly solid, preventing his escape.
Spinning in Place: This action not only visually represents the protagonist's current predicament but also signifies that he seems trapped in a cycle or dilemma in his life's journey, unable to find direction or a breakthrough.
Twilight and Bright Future: The setting sun symbolizes the passage of time and the brevity of life; the seemingly bright future is a form of irony or metaphor, indicating that despite the appearance of a path ahead, it is actually filled with uncertainty and unknowns.
Details and Decoration:
Light and Shadow Effects: Utilize contrasts and variations of light and shadow to enhance the dimensionality and emotional expression of the scene. The light inside the dome can be softened slightly to highlight the protagonist's loneliness and struggle, while the external light gradually dims, symbolizing the indifference and cruelty of the outside world.
Environmental Elements: Add some detailing in the snow, such as sparse trees, drifting snowflakes, or distant animal tracks, to increase the vividness and realism of the image.
Style and Techniques:
Oil Painting Style: Employ oil painting techniques, focusing on the richness of brushstrokes and colors. Use delicate strokes and a variety of color layers to showcase the depth and emotion of the scene.
Composition and Perspective: Use a bird's-eye or eye-level perspective in the composition to better showcase the spatial relationship between the transparent dome and the snow, as well as the protagonist's running posture. Moreover, utilize clever composition to guide the viewer's gaze and emotional journey.
Scene Setting: At dusk, with a gentle remnant of sunset glow lingering in the sky, illuminating an empty and slightly desolate field or an abandoned industrial area on the outskirts of a city. The ground is covered with sparse withered grass or discarded metal scraps, adding a sense of solitude and helplessness.  
Character Depiction:  
- The protagonist is a middle-aged man, with a determined yet weary face, his eyes reflecting both unyielding spirit and confusion. His hair is slightly disheveled, and sweat trickles down his cheeks, showing that he is running with all his might.  
- His fists are clenched tightly, as if trying to grasp something, yet seemingly in vain against the invisible bonds. These bonds are depicted in abstract forms, such as intricately entwined vines, shadowy chains, or a heavy feeling of air pressure, tightly encasing his legs and upper body, restricting his freedom of movement.  
- His attire consists of a slightly worn yet neat shirt and trousers, paired with worn-out sneakers, embodying his perseverance despite adversity.  
Lighting & Atmosphere:  
- Light shines from the side-rear, elongating the protagonist's shadow, creating a stark contrast that highlights his image of solitude and struggle. Simultaneously, the sunset glow intertwines with the protagonist's sweat, evoking a feeling of warmth amidst despair.  
- The surroundings remain somewhat blurred, utilizing color and shading to intensify the contrast between the foreground (the protagonist) and the background (the bonds and the seemingly hopeless path ahead), allowing viewers to deeply feel the protagonist's inner turmoil and the indifference of the outside world.  
Symbolic Elements:  
- In the distance ahead of the protagonist, a seemingly bright yet unattainable path or exit is faintly visible, surrounded by symbolic rays of hope that are difficult to grasp, such as a distant lighthouse or a beam of light piercing through the clouds, further emphasizing the theme of "seeing a bright future, yet finding no way out."  
- Natural elements can be subtly incorporated, like swaying withered grass in the breeze or occasional birdcalls in the distance, contrasting the protagonist's inner turmoil with the tranquility of nature.  
Overall Style:  
- Adopt a blend of realism and symbolism, emphasizing both detailed portrayal and profound metaphorical meaning. In terms of color, utilize the contrast between warm and cool tones to amplify emotional tension, creating a visually authentic yet surreal experience.
Concept of the Scene:  
Scene Setting: At dusk, a gentle glow of the setting sun lingers on the horizon, illuminating an empty and somewhat desolate field or a deserted industrial area on the outskirts of a city. The ground is covered with sparse dry grass or discarded metal scraps, adding a sense of loneliness and helplessness.  
Character Description:  
- The protagonist is a middle-aged man, with a resolute yet somewhat weary expression, his eyes reflecting both defiance and confusion. His hair is slightly disheveled, and sweat trickles down his cheeks, showcasing his determined running posture.  
- His hands are tightly clenched into fists, as if trying to grasp something, yet seemingly futilely battling against invisible restraints. These restraints are represented abstractly, like tightly entwined vines, ghostly chains, or the weight of heavy air, tightly wrapping around his legs and upper body, limiting his freedom of movement.  
- For his attire, he wears an old but tidy shirt and long pants, paired with a pair of worn sneakers, reflecting his resilient spirit that refuses to give up despite being in a difficult situation.  
Lighting and Atmosphere:  
- The light comes in from a diagonal angle from the side and back, elongating the protagonist's shadow and creating a strong contrast that highlights his loneliness and struggle. At the same time, the sunset's afterglow and the protagonist's sweat complement each other, creating a warm yet desperate atmosphere.  
- The surrounding environment maintains a certain blurriness, through the clever use of color and light and dark contrasts, reinforcing the comparison between the foreground (the protagonist) and the background (the constraints and hopelessness ahead), allowing the audience to deeply feel the protagonist's internal struggle against the indifference of the external world.  
Symbolic Elements:  
- In front of the protagonist, a seemingly bright yet unreachable road or exit is faintly visible, surrounded by a glow symbolizing hope but difficult to touch, like a distant lighthouse or a beam of light piercing through the clouds, further emphasizing the theme of “looking towards a bright future but having no way out.”  
- It is appropriate to add some natural elements, such as dry grass swaying in the breeze or occasional birdsong coming from afar, to contrast the inner turmoil of the protagonist with a sense of natural tranquility.  
Overall Style:  
- The style combines realism with symbolism, focusing on depicting details while imbuing the image with profound meaning and emotional expression. In terms of color, the contrast of warm and cool tones enhances emotional tension, creating a visual effect that is both realistic and surreal.
"Google logo, composed of a large tree, the sun, and the moon."
A fine line tattoo, with my kids’ names making a circle. My kids’ names are ALBERTO, LUCÍA and INÉS. The names must be separated by a five-point star.
Generate an icon composed of geometric shapes in cool tones. It signifies concealment and covert operations.

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