243 Free visual art AI images Create by Flux AI

Flux.1 AI Image Generator

Setting: The peak of a rugged, windswept mountain, shrouded in the darkness of night. Jagged rocks and sparse vegetation are silhouetted against a backdrop of a starry night sky.  
Character: A young man with long, dark hair, clad in a flowing dark robe, stands with his back to the viewer at the very edge of the cliff. He holds his right arm raised high, gripping a staff that emits a vibrant, pulsating light.  
Action: The staff is projecting a stream of magical energy that forms the word "Eclipse" in the night sky. The letters are composed of shimmering, ethereal light, and flicker slightly, as if unstable and subject to the whims of the wind. Swirling particles and streaks of energy surround the word, creating a dynamic and visually captivating effect.  
Lighting: The primary light source emanates from the staff and the word "Eclipse," casting an otherworldly glow on the surrounding landscape and illuminating the wizard's silhouette. The starry sky provides a subtle ambient light.  
Camera Angle: A low angle shot looking up at the wizard and the glowing word, emphasizing the grandeur of the scene and the power of the magic being wielded.  
Overall Style: Realistic cinematic style, with a focus on the dramatic interplay of light and shadow. The scene should evoke a sense of mystery, power, and the vastness of the night sky.
Background and Separation:
Create a wide image divided into two parts - left and right.

Left Side (Bright World):
Colors: Dominated by green, yellow, and gold, creating a vibrant spring atmosphere.
Elements: A lush prairie filled with flowers, colorful butterflies and bees fluttering about. In the distance, rolling hills and a light blue sky, with a few white clouds drifting lazily. Golden sunlight hangs in the upper left corner, illuminating the land.

Right Side (Dark World):
Colors: Primarily gray and white, creating a cold, dim winter atmosphere.
Elements: Depict a wasteland covered in ice and snow, with snowflakes swirling in the air, and the cold wind howling, the ground blanketed with thick snow. A frail middle-aged Chinese man stands facing the bright world in the right side of the dark world; his clothing is thin, and he appears fatigued, pounding his fists against the boundary between the two worlds. However, there is an invisible barrier preventing him from reaching the bright world. He gazes longingly at the sunlight on the opposite side, revealing his yearning and despair for the light.

Details and Atmosphere:
Light and Shadow Contrast: Strengthen the contrast of light and shadow between the two worlds to make the image more vivid and powerful.
Atmosphere Creation: Through the comprehensive use of color, light, shadow, and elements, create a breathtaking visual effect that allows the audience to feel the human pursuit of beauty as well as the helplessness and sadness when facing adversity.
Realistic photography, limited edition glass cosmetic bottle from Paris, the glass bottle is printed with the word "Three" and representative floral images, white background, dewdrops on the bottle body, featuring epic visual effects and exquisite printing techniques, intricate details, rich details.
Subject: A night sky during a lunar eclipse with the stars forming the word "ECLIPSE".
Stars: The stars are arranged to clearly spell out the word "ECLIPSE" in a stylized font. The stars themselves should have a slight reddish hue due to the eclipse.
Moon: The moon is partially obscured by the Earth's shadow, creating the characteristic reddish glow of a lunar eclipse.
Background: The rest of the night sky is a deep, dark blue, studded with countless twinkling stars.
Style: Realistic, with a focus on the astronomical accuracy of the eclipse and the star formation.
Background and Separation:
The canvas size is 1028*720, divided into two parts, left and right.
Left Part (Bright World):
Colors: Primarily green, yellow, and gold, creating a vibrant spring atmosphere.
Elements: A lush prairie, surrounded by clusters of flowers, with colorful butterflies and bees fluttering about. In the distance are rolling hills and a light blue sky, with a few white clouds lazily drifting. Golden sunlight hangs in the upper left corner, illuminating the earth.

Right Part (Dark World):
Colors: Primarily gray and white, creating a cold, dim winter atmosphere.
Elements: A scene depicting a snow-covered wasteland, with snowflakes swirling in the air and a biting wind howling, the ground blanketed in thick snow. A frail middle-aged Chinese man stands in the dark world on the right, facing the bright world. His clothes are thin, his expression weary, as he strikes the boundary between the two worlds with his fists. However, there is an invisible barrier preventing him from reaching the bright world. He gazes longingly at the sunlight on the opposite side, revealing his yearning for light and feelings of despair.

Details and Atmosphere:
Light and Shadow Contrast: Enhance the contrast between the light and shadow of the two worlds, making the imagery more vivid and powerful.
Atmosphere Creation: Through the comprehensive use of color, light and shadow, and elements, create a stunning visual effect that allows the audience to feel the human pursuit of beauty and the helplessness and sorrow faced in the face of adversity.
Background and Division:
The canvas size is 1028*720, divided into two parts, left and right.  
Left Part (Bright World):  
Color: Dominated by green, yellow, and gold, creating a vibrant spring atmosphere.  
Elements: A lush grassland, with clusters of flowers, and colorful butterflies and bees dancing around. In the distance, gentle hills and a light blue sky, with a few white clouds drifting leisurely. Golden sunlight hangs in the upper left corner, shining down on the earth.  

Right Part (Dark World):  
Color: Mainly gray and white, creating a cold, dim winter atmosphere.  
Elements: A depiction of a snow-covered wasteland, with snowflakes floating in the air, a howling cold wind, and the ground covered in thick snow. A frail middle-aged Chinese man stands in the dark world on the right, facing the bright world. His clothes are thin, his expression weary, as he pounds his fists against the boundary between the two worlds. However, there is an invisible barrier between the two worlds that prevents him from reaching the bright world. He gazes longingly at the sunlight across from him, revealing a yearning for brightness and a sense of despair.  
Details and Atmosphere:  
Light and Shadow Contrast: Enhance the contrast of light and shadow between the two worlds to make the image more striking and powerful.  
Atmosphere Creation: Through the comprehensive use of color, light and shadow, and elements, create a breathtaking visual effect that allows the audience to feel the human persistence in the pursuit of beauty and the helplessness and sorrow faced during adversity.
Background and Division:
The image is divided into two parts, left and right.
Left Side (Bright World):
Colors: Dominated by green, yellow, and gold, creating a vibrant spring atmosphere.
Elements: A lush grassland with clusters of flowers, colorful butterflies and bees fluttering about. In the distance are rolling hills and a light blue sky, with a few white clouds leisurely drifting by. The golden sunlight hangs in the upper left corner, illuminating the land.

Right Side (Dark World):
Colors: Mainly gray and white, evoking a cold, dim winter atmosphere.
Elements: A depiction of a snowy wasteland, with snowflakes dancing in the air, the cold wind howling, and the ground covered in thick snow. A frail middle-aged Chinese man stands at the junction of the two worlds, facing the bright world. His clothes are thin, his expression weary, and he is pounding the boundary between the two worlds with his fists. However, there is an invisible barrier preventing him from reaching the bright world. He gazes at the sunlight on the opposite side, revealing his longing for brightness and desperation.

Details and Atmosphere:
Contrast of Light and Shadow: Enhancing the contrast of light and shadow between the two worlds to make the image more vivid and powerful.
Atmosphere Creation: Through the comprehensive use of color, light and shadow, and elements, a stunning visual effect is created, allowing the audience to feel the human pursuit of beauty as well as the helplessness and desolation in the face of hardship.
Background and Separation:  
A huge transparent glass divides the scene into two parts.  

Left Part (Bright World):  
Colors: Dominated by green, yellow, and gold, creating a vibrant spring atmosphere.  
Elements: A lush meadow filled with blooming flowers, colorful butterflies and bees fluttering about. In the distance, rolling hills merge into a light blue sky, with a few white clouds leisurely drifting. The golden sunlight bathes the earth.  

Right Part (Dark World):  
Colors: Primarily gray and white, creating a cold and dim winter atmosphere.  
Elements: A depiction of a snow-covered wasteland, with snowflakes dancing in the air and the ground blanketed in thick snow. A frail middle-aged man stands in the dark world on the right, facing the bright world. His clothing is thin, and he appears weak, his arms pounding against the glass in the middle. He gazes longingly at the sunlight across from him, revealing a yearning for brightness and a sense of despair.  

Details and Atmosphere:  
Light and Shadow Contrast: Strengthening the contrast of light and shadow between the two worlds to make the scene more vivid and powerful.  
Atmospheric Creation: Through the combined use of color, light and shadow, and elements, creating a striking visual effect that allows the audience to feel the persistence of humanity's pursuit of beauty and the helplessness and sorrow faced in adversity.
Earth globe in space, surrounded by galactic clouds, with musical instruments and notes flying around.
Background and Separation:
A huge transparent glass divides the scene into two parts, with the upper part occupying two-thirds and the lower part one-third.

Upper Part (The World of Light):
Colors: Dominated by green, yellow, and gold, creating a vibrant spring atmosphere.
Elements: Lush meadows filled with clusters of flowers, colorful butterflies and buzzing bees. In the distance, rolling hills and a light blue sky, with a few white clouds leisurely floating by. Golden sunlight bathes the earth.

Lower Part (The World of Darkness):
Colors: Primarily gray and white, evoking a cold, dreary winter atmosphere.
Elements: A depiction of a snow-covered wasteland, with snowflakes dancing in the air and thick snow blanketing the ground. A frail middle-aged man stands in the snow facing the transparent glass. His clothing is thin, his figure slight, and he pounds on the glass with his arms. He gazes at the sunlight on the other side, revealing his yearning for light and his despair.

Details and Atmosphere:
Contrast of Light and Shadow: Enhancing the contrast between the two worlds to make the scene more vivid and powerful.
Atmosphere Creation: Through the combined use of color, light, shadow, and elements, creating a stunning visual effect that allows the audience to feel the human pursuit of beauty and the helplessness and melancholy faced in adversity.
Background and Separation:  
A huge transparent glass panel divides the scene into two parts, with the upper part occupying two-thirds and the lower part one-third.  

Upper Part (The World of Light):  
Colors: Dominated by green, yellow, and gold, creating a vibrant spring atmosphere.  
Elements: Dense trees are painted, surrounded by clusters of flowers, with colorful butterflies and bees fluttering about. The ground is covered with soft green grass, and in the distance, there are rolling hills and a pale blue sky, with a few white clouds leisurely drifting. Sunlight spills through gaps in the clouds, forming beams and patches of light that add warmth and a feeling of hope.  

Lower Part (The World of Darkness):  
Colors: Dominated by blue, gray, and white, creating a cold and dim atmosphere.  
Elements: An icy wasteland is depicted, with snowflakes dancing in the air and the ground blanketed in thick snow. A middle-aged man stands with his back turned in the snowy field, his figure appearing lonely and small. His clothing is thin, and his frame is frail; his arms weakly pound against the glass. He gazes up at the sunlight above, revealing a longing and despair for the light.  

Details and Atmosphere:  
Light and Shadow Contrast: Enhance the contrast of light and shadow between the two worlds to make the scene more striking and powerful.  
Atmosphere Creation: Through the combined use of colors, light and shadow, and elements, create a stunning visual effect that allows the audience to feel the human pursuit of beauty as well as the helplessness and sadness faced in times of adversity.
A Bavarian snack board with many different delicacies that look like food but are actually tools needed to make a film. Such as camera, laptop, screws, notes, light, etc. In the background, there is a large mountain in a dramatic lighting situation.
Character: A silver-haired anime cat with a cool and aloof expression, sitting upright on a bed with its legs crossed. The cat is engrossed in reading a book held in its paws. The cat has piercing blue eyes and a sleek, well-maintained coat.  
Clothing: The cat is wearing a simple, dark-colored collar with a small silver bell.  
Setting: The bed is covered with a soft, fluffy white blanket and has several plush pillows in various pastel colors. The background is a minimally decorated bedroom with a window showing a night sky filled with stars.  
Pose and Action: The cat is sitting upright and leaning slightly forward, its head tilted down as it focuses on the book. Its tail is curled neatly around its paws.  
Lighting: Soft, warm lighting emanating from a bedside lamp casts gentle shadows and highlights the silver fur of the cat.  
Art Style: Anime, with clean lines, vibrant colors, and expressive eyes.  
Signature: "Frank Deng" written in a stylized font in the bottom right corner of the image.
A massive transparent glass divides the image into two halves. The upper half of the image depicts a world filled with the sounds of birds, fragrant flowers, lush green grass, and bright sunshine. The lower half of the image shows a dim, icy wasteland, with a middle-aged man dressed in thin clothing, looking haggard and weary, his eyes deep with emotion, weakly pounding against the glass as he gazes at the sun in the upper half of the image. The image should be as grand as possible, reflecting the man’s pursuit of light, yet conveying a sense of hopeless despair.
Realistic style, young handsome skinny guy, long dark brown hair parted in the middle, sharp facial features, smirk, pale skin, light brown eyes, thick eyebrows, long eyelashes next to a cute white ginger girl, small nose, pink lips, green eyes, long bangs.
Skinny guy, long dark brown hair parted in the middle, sharp facial features, smirk, pale skin, light brown eyes, thick eyebrows, long eyelashes next to a cute white ginger girl, small nose, pink lips, green eyes, long bangs, realistic style.
**Theme and Atmosphere**:  
"A gaunt man dressed in thin clothing stands within a massive transparent barrier, pounding on it with all his might, but to no avail. Snow surrounds him on all sides, creating a lonely and profound world. The barrier symbolizes the intangible constraints of life."  

**Background Setting**:  
- "The background features snowflakes swirling in the air and the hazy outlines of a forest, with the sun setting in a blood-red glow."  
- "In the distance, the outlines of trees are faintly visible within a blurred snowy forest, adding to the depth of the scene."  

**Barrier and Snow Scene**:  
- "The barrier is depicted with a transparent quality, filled with pure white snowflakes inside, rich in detail and with clear layers, echoing the external snowflakes."  
- "The edges of the barrier can be slightly blurred to enhance the sense of glass transparency and spatial depth."  

**Character Description**:  
- "The man is dressed in thin clothing, his face haggard and expression weary, with deep-set eyes, pounding on the barrier while gazing at the faint distant sun. The struggle and defiance of the man must be depicted, yet there is a sense of powerlessness in his efforts."  

**Emotion and Meaning**:  
- "The entire scene aims to convey a feeling of helplessness and solitude."  

**Details and Decorations**:  
- "Pay attention to the treatment of light and shadow; use the light reflected by the snowflakes to enhance the brightness and depth of the painting."  
- "Without affecting the overall atmosphere, small decorative elements can be added, such as falling snowflakes and plants in the cold wind."  

**Style and Technique**:  
- "Oil painting style."
21-year-old white thin long-faced adult northern Chinese man with square chin, wearing square glasses, holding a pistol, "medium/long length hair," tactical chest rig; 21-year-old Caucasian Italian man wearing round glasses and short hair holding a very large fire extinguisher flamethrower, welding apron; garage setting; both angry.
21-year-old thin, long-faced white young adult Northern Chinese man with a square chin, wearing square glasses, holding a pistol, with medium/long length hair, and a tactical chest rig; 21-year-old Caucasian Italian man wearing round glasses and short hair, holding a very large fire extinguisher flamethrower, in a welding apron and long leather gloves; garage setting; both angry.
21-year-old white thin long-faced young adult northern Chinese man with a square chin, wearing square glasses, holding a pistol, "medium/long length hair"; 21-year-old Caucasian Italian man wearing round glasses and short hair holding a very large fire extinguisher flamethrower; garage setting; both angry, tactical vests.
21-year-old white, thin, long-faced northern Chinese man with a square chin, wearing square glasses, holding a pistol, "medium/long length hair"; 21-year-old white Caucasian man wearing round glasses and short hair holding a very large fire extinguisher flamethrower; garage setting; both angry.
21-year-old white thin long-faced northern Chinese man with a square chin, wearing square glasses, holding a pistol, "medium/long length hair"; 21-year-old Caucasian Italian man wearing round glasses and short hair holding a very large fire extinguisher flamethrower; garage setting; both angry.
21-year-old white thin long-faced young northern Chinese man with a square chin, wearing square glasses, holding a pistol, "medium to long length hair"; 21-year-old white Italian man wearing round glasses and short hair, holding a very large fire extinguisher flamethrower; garage setting; both angry.
21-year-old white thin long-faced young northern Chinese man with a square chin, wearing square glasses, holding a pistol, with medium/long length hair; 21-year-old white Italian man wearing round glasses and short hair holding a very large fire extinguisher flamethrower; garage setting; both angry.

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